Dedicated to Damar
It takes more than a village to run a village. It takes the dedication of people who believe in your cause and turn their belief into action. That’s what the Damar Guild has done: not only given selflessly of their time, but also raised more than $1 million for Damar.
Our Mission
The Damar Guild is dedicated to its mission:
We, as caring volunteers, help Damar, and their clients achieve their highest potential by raising funds and generating community awareness.
For nearly 50 years, the Guild has done just that—through events, community outreach, and countless volunteer hours.
Meet Bernie Price
For over 40 years, Bernie Price and the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) of Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Indianapolis have developed a special relationship with the children of Damar. CYO has served the residents through countless events and projects.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a developmental disability? What happens after an autism diagnosis? What services are available and how do I pay for them? What do you do next? We have answers to these questions and many others.
More questions?
Need more information? Looking for support? Get in touch with us to learn more.