Our Remarkable Supporters

Every day, Damar depends on the selfless service of our awesome volunteers—and financial support from extraordinary donors. How can you get involved? Read on.

Our Remarkable Supporters

Every day, Damar depends on the selfless service of our awesome volunteers—and financial support from extraordinary donors. How can you get involved? Read on.

Young male client talking with male staff member

How You Can Help

There are three big ways you can support Damar:

  • Donate. Your financial support goes a long way at Damar to directly support our work.
  • Volunteer. Of the many resources you can bring to Damar Services, your time and talents are the most valuable. They give the people we serve something money can’t buy: You.
  • Spread the word. Tell others about the work we do. Follow us on social media, and encourage your friends and family to do the same.

Donate to Damar

Your gift in any amount makes a difference not only for our clients, but for their families and caregivers. In appreciation, we want to make it easy for you to give. Click the button below to make your secure donation online—or contact us to discuss other ways to give.

All gifts to the Damar Foundation from individuals, corporations, and other foundations, including gifts of cash, stock, planned gifts, and other forms of support, are tax deductible as allowable by la

Young girl smiling

Volunteer Opportunities

There are lots of ways you or your organization can help us at Damar. Here are just a few ways volunteers serve us at Damar:

  • Leading a formalwear collection drive for the Damar Prom
  • Assisting our clients during special events
  • Helping us shop for and wrap holiday gifts
  • Forming a company volunteer group
  • Joining the Damar Guild
  • Hosting a toy or sports equipment drive
  • Serving on a board or event committee

No matter how you want to serve, Damar has a place for you to volunteer. Contact us to learn more.

Smiling volunteer carrying crate

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a developmental disability? What happens after an autism diagnosis? What services are available? What do you do next? We have answers to these questions and many others.

More questions?

We have answers. Contact us, and we’ll get back with you as soon as possible.